Wednesday 29 July 2015

How do we value a claim for personal injury?

Despite the best medical developments it is highly unlikely that a sum of money can put one back to their pre-accident state, free of injuries. So how do we decide what you should accept in compensation for the injury that you have suffered?

Garden House Solicitors in Hertfordshire
Article by Nidhi Chopra
The law provides for compensation to an injured claimant for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that has been caused as a result of the accident. How do we know what pain suffering and loss of amenity that has been caused to the Claimant following an accident? We do this by obtaining independent reports that are accepted by the Court from appropriate medical expert witnesses. The experts provide their opinions as to what the Claimant has suffered as a result of the incident, what further treatment they could need to get them in a better state and what their long term prognosis is likely to be.

What are the implications of leaving somebody out of your will?

Garden House Solicitors of Hertfordshire
Article by Chris Lucas
In England and Wales, we enjoy the right of testamentary freedom, which is the right to make a will and leave your estate to whomever you wish. 

There is however an important law to consider before you decide to write somebody out of your will. This is the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 which will apply if you die domiciled in England and Wales. This law will enable certain categories of people to bring a claim against your estate if you do not ‘reasonably provide’ for them in your will. 

A recent ruling hit the headlines just this week, whereby a woman who was cut out of her mother’s will successfully claimed £164,000 from the estate, despite the fact that the will left the whole estate worth £486,000 to animal charities and the deceased had clearly expressed previously that she did not want her daughter to receive a penny of her estate.

Monday 13 July 2015

Thank you!

Garden House solicitors in Hertford
Our annual Garden Party to raise funds for, and awareness of, the Alzheimer’s Society was held Friday, 3rd July, and was a huge success.  A total of £1,500 was raised for the Charity.  This would not have been possible without the generosity of local people and businesses who were kind enough to donate raffle prizes.  We would like to say a big thank you on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society to the following for their kind support:

Wednesday 1 July 2015

What is a general power of attorney?

Article by
Sharon Brown
There are three main types of power of attorney you may come across:
  • General or ordinary powers of attorney;
  • Enduring powers of attorney (EPA); and
  • Lasting powers of attorney (LPA).
You can find out more about the latter two types on our website, where you can also download our FAQ guide on powers of attorney.
A general power of attorney is a legal document allowing you to authorise someone else to carry out matters on your behalf. For example, if you are going on holiday for a length of time or having an operation that means you will not be able to sign things easily for a few weeks. It is also quite common for people who are going travelling for 6 months or a year.
A general power of attorney can be used for one specific purpose; for example if your car was being sold whilst you were away or if your house insurance policy was due for renewal or it can be to cover all of your property and financial affairs. Whilst they can be very useful, they are only for a set period of time. If you need something more permanent you really should consider setting up an LPA. One of the major advantages of an LPA is that it can still be used if you lack mental capacity, for example if you are in a coma.
Another time general powers of attorney can be useful is if you have prepared a property and financial affairs LPA and are waiting for it to be registered by the Office of the Public Guardian. We can set up a general power of attorney for you to enable to your chosen attorneys to start acting straight away. This type of general power of attorney is usually limited in time so that it ceases to be valid when your LPA is registered.
If you have queries or questions on any type of LPA please feel free to contact me by telephone on 01992 422128 or by email to

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Power of attorney solicitor in Hertford

Tel: 01992 422 128

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