Tuesday 12 March 2013

Access to Justice Post 1 April 2013

Article by
Dave Koon Koon

Following a review of the funding of Personal Injury claims by the Government drastic changes are being implemented from 1April 2013.

The major consequence of the changes is that the cost of pursuing a claim for Personal Injury has been shifted from the insurer of the guilty party to the injured party and in some circumstances this will mean that legal costs will have to be deducted from the injured party’s compensation.

The insurance companies claim that this will bring legal costs down and allow them to in turn reduce insurance premiums but only time will tell if that actually happens.

It is also the hope of the insurance companies that the injured party will negotiate directly with them instead of first seeking independent legal advice but this will put the injured person at a massive disadvantage as most claimants do not know what their claim is worth and for me the question remains as to who’s interest will the insurers seek to protect. The innocent accident victim? Or their shareholders?

With many law firms now contemplating the closure of their Personal Injury Departments or having already done so we at Garden House Solicitors have committed ourselves to continuing our work in this area as we strongly believe that it is the right of the injured party to receive unbiased and professional legal advice that will ensure they are adequately compensated and that they also receive any rehabilitation they require to recover from their injuries.     

If you have been involved in an accident or you are unhappy with the service being provided by your current solicitor please contact me on 01992 422 128 or at dave@gardenhousesolicitors.co.uk for further advice and assistance.     


Tel: 01992 422 128

Email: info@gardenhousesolicitors.co.uk
The contents of this article are intended for general information purposes only and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute legal advice. We cannot accept responsibility for any loss as a result of acts or omissions taken in respect of this article.

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